Sharad Purnima 2008 Celebrations

Our Samaj had a joint Sharad Purnima 2008 celebration with the Leicestershire Brahma Samaj. This event, the first main joint programme, will be regarded as one of the great milestones in our Samaj history as it is hoped that both our Samajs can come together like this for future events for the benifit of members from both Samajs.

The evening started at 8pm on Saturday 18th October 2008 with music and traditional Raas Garba performed by talented members from both samajs. Prasad in the form of dudh and pava (milk and rice flakes), a tradition for Sharad Purnima, was also served. To symbolise the future, the Arti was performed by children from both Samajs. The night ended with a Sanedo and rail gadi.

The main officers from both Samajs thanked all the members, musicians and volunteers for their support, with a hope that this support would continue.The event organised by a Sub-committee comprising of members from both samajs was very successful. Samaj members from London, Northampton and Wellingborough also attended and an enjoyable evening was had by all.

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