Tamari Tabiyat – Your Health

Sri Bardai Brahmin Samaj (Leicester) UK is proud to collaborate with a team of Doctors and Dentists from our Bardai Samaj in London to bring you interesting health articles in English and Gujarati.

Over the coming months, we hope to grow this library of health articles.

Click below to read health articles on various topics.

You can also like and follow the Tamari Tabiyat Facebook Page by clicking this link >>> https://www.facebook.com/TamariTabiyat

The team also host free online yoga sessions on Saturdays. Click Here for more details.

1. Our Team

2. Diet (Jan 2022)

3. How to stay Covid Safe (Feb 2022)

4. Blood Pressure (March 2022)

5. Kidney Stones (April 2022)

6.How to keep safe in the sun (May 2022)

7. 5 Ways to improve your dental Health (June 2022)

8. Women’s Health (July 2022)

9. Why should you get regular dental check-ups (August 2022)

10. How To Reduce Your Risk Of Developing Cancer (September 2022)

11. Mental Health and Well-being (October 2022)

12. Men’s Health Part 1 Prostate (November 2022)

13. Activities to Keep Fit (December 2022)

14. Men’s Health Part 2 Testicular Cancer (January 2023)

15. First Seasonal Issue: Summer 2023

16. Second Seasonal Issue: Autumn 2023, features new authors

17. Third Seasonal Issue: Winter 2023/24, features new authors

17. Fourth Seasonal Issue: Spring 2024